Friday, September 9, 2011

STEADFAST VALUES … in a drifting world …

This weekend is the anniversary of the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

The events of that day live on so vividly in our memories that it’s hard to believe we are at the ten year anniversary of the worst attack ever to take place on American soil.

A number of memorial events are taking place this weekend in memory of those who died and to honor those who sacrificed much on that day, serving bravely during the crisis. Our government and the news media are warning about elevated dangers of attacks on this anniversary date of what we have all come to know as “9-11”.

Our world is still dangerous.

As I said, we all have vivid memories of what happened on that day, and we remember how we spent that day and the days following, as our world and nation were forever changed. And yet how easy it was for us as a nation to drift away from the reality of what happened on that day, and the need to not forget, but to remember and keep alert to the constant dangers of terrorism.

This is an excellent reminder of the tendency we have to drift in our personal lives, forgetting that the world is full of dangers and temptations that would lead us away from those things we say we believe in and value most: loyalty, respect, honesty, integrity, kindness, faith and love. It doesn’t take long for our lives to be overcome with other values; selfishness, greed, pleasure, ingratitude, crass consumerism, false pride and narcissism.

Drift is NATURAL…it is human nature.

It’s what happens when we’re out in our boat on the culture’s river; the current will naturally move us along, and if we’re not keeping our eyes on important landmarks, we’ve soon drifted far from where we know we should be. We naturally drift into dangerous waters.

This Sunday I’m going to be talking about VALUES.

We’re going to remember “9-11” and the values that have made this nation great. But we also need to check ourselves for drift … drift in those values that we say are most important, and yet the world around us keeps distracting us and causing us to “forget”.

What does God have to say about VALUES and DRIFT?

We will look to God’s Word to honestly assess where we’re at, and to discern what it will take to pass on those foundational values to our children and grandchildren. Their future depends on how well they hold steadfast the values and beliefs that we all claim are most important.

I hope you will be there this Sunday. To remember and to honor.
And to revive – and recommit to – those values we hold most dear.

See you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:44 worship.

Stay Connected,

Pastor Mike

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